After 10 years helping out (first, as the webmaster [webmistress??] and later as the club's president), I moved to St. Louis. Strangely, I still feel like a slacker for not helping out for this year's show. I'm 700 miles away so I have an excuse, but it still feels weird: I know how much work goes into one of those shows, and it's all done by volunteers. Most of all I miss the chance to spend the day with a lot of really great people.
After 10 years, it was hard not to meddle but I knew the show was in good hands, as it has been for the past 10 years (right, David?). And there's one thing that corporate life has taught me: everyone can be replaced. Throughout the years I've watched people at work leave for greener pastures, went through the "this place is gonna collapse without them" phase, only to find that life goes on and everyone survives just fine after all. The AOGC is no different: everybody kept doing what they're good at and the show went on, just as has in years past.
After a long day showing some friends the sights in St. Louis (but that's another post), I came home to find an email from Bob, one of our friends from the club. Attached were several pictures from the show, and by the time-stamp I see he sent them while the show was still taking place. The email ended with "Miss you guys." I know how much work goes into one of those shows (it's all volunteer, by the way), so the fact that he took time out from all that to send pictures to Doug and me really meant a lot.

This is Maggie -- a talented gardener and writer and a good friend of AOGC's -- and David, talented horticulturist, horologist, club president, and a good friend.

This is Bob -- talented photographer, gardener, woodworker, and an all-around neat guy.

This is the AOGC gang, talented gardeners and. . . umm. . . show-putter-onners.
I miss you guys!
Wow, how nice to have the photos. I have forwarded your blog to a few people whom I know would like to have them. And printed a copy for another who currently has no e-mail. I guess if you worked half a day you didn't get your picture snapped! Just joking. Thanks for your efforts, Angie. You and Doug were there in spirit.
diane f.
I did notice a couple of my favorite gardeners were not in the picture! :)
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